2025 Spring Update:
The window will open on 12/16 and close on 2/25/24. Each division is limited to 130 players. We will offer a wait list once divisions fill up. Click the registration link posted on jtownball.net. Contact Chris Rader (502)639-5963 with any difficulties.
We offer leagues for kids from 4-year-old to 15-year-old.
Fees are the same as last spring. All fees include registration, tax, insurance, jersey, baseball hat or softball socks. Payment due at the time of registration (credit card only).
Try Outs:
Age Group: T-Ball
When: No evaluations needed.
Age Group: 6U Baseball
When: Sunday March 9th
Where: Field 5 (Skyview Park)
Time: 12:30-2:30 A-M
Time: 2:30-4:30 N-Z
Age Group: 8U Baseball
When: Saturday March 8th
Where: Field 5 (Skyview Park)
Time: 10:00-12:00 A-M
Time: 12:00-2:00 N-Z
Age Group: 10U Baseball
When: Saturday March 8th
Where: Field 4 (Skyview Park)
Time: 12:00-1:30 A-M
Time: 1:30-3:00 N-Z
Age Group: 12U Baseball
When: Saturday March 8th
Where: Field 4 (Skyview Park)
Time: 10:00-11:30
Age Group: 15U Baseball
When: No evaluations needed.
Age Group: 8U Softball
When: No evaluations needed.
Age Group: 10U Softball
When: No evaluations needed.
6U-15U Divisions will be drafted. T-Ball players can make requests to play with friends under the note’s sections. Each team will have practice times assigned to them. This information will be communicated to players and families through their assigned coach.
Games will start the week of April 14th. T-Ball will play a 12-game schedule. 6U-15U will play a 10-game schedule plus an end of the year tournament. Weekday games will begin at 6PM and weekend games will begin no earlier than 9AM. Times and days will very, schedules will be communicated to players and families through their assigned coach.
When are Practices and Games?
Chris Rader
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